Practice 11

Main | Arrays | Practice 8 | Solution 8 | Associative Arrays | Practice 9 | Solution 9 | Regular Expressions | Practice 10 | Solution 10 | More Regular Expressions | Practice 11 | Solution 11

For this practice we will use the preg_split function to do the following:

  1. Split a sentence into a collection of words.

    For example:

    $sen = "This is a sentence";

    Could be processed into an array such that:

    $a[0] = "This";
    $a[1] = "is";
    $a[2] = "a";
    $a[3] = "sentence";
  2. Split a sentence into a collection of characters.

    For example:

    $sen = "This is a sentence";

    Could be processed into an array such that:

    $a[0] = "T";
    $a[1] = "h";
    $a[2] = "i";
    $a[3] = "s";
    $a[4] = " ";
    $a[5] = "i";
    ...and so on...
  3. Extract all of the arithmetic operators out of a mathematical expression.

    For example:

    $exp = "3 + 5 * 9 / 2";

    Could be processed into an array such that:

    $a[0] = "3";
    $a[1] = "5";
    $a[2] = "9";
    $a[3] = "2";
  4. Separate the paths of a directory.

    For example, the variable $PHP_SELF has the following value for this page:


    In the above the path to the file is specified with "/" to represent each sub-directory. Process the above such that:

    $a[0] = "~jfulton";
    $a[1] = "php3";
    $a[2] = "practice11.php";

Remember to escape any characters that you use which have special meaning by using the backslash.

To complete this exercise you must:

  • Create a file in "public_html/php" called "split.php".
  • Be sure that "split.php" is viewable from the web.
  • Fill in "split.php" with this incomplete code.

Your program should look like this when run.

The Perl Compatible Regular Expression that allows you to represent whitespace (" ") is the following:


The above symbol will be helpful for the first example.

jfulton [at]
22 Aug 2013