Solution 10
Main | Arrays | Practice 8 | Solution 8 | Associative Arrays | Practice 9 | Solution 9 | Regular Expressions | Practice 10 | Solution 10 | More Regular Expressions | Practice 11 | Solution 11 Here is the solution to practice 10: function email_good($email="") { $regex = '^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+@[A-Za-z0-9_-]+.[A-Za-z0-9_-]+.*'; return eregi($regex ,$email); } function check_input($email, $date, $url, $u_name) { $str = ""; if (!email_good($email)) { $str .= "Your email address does not look correct<br>"; } if (!ereg('[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}', $date)) { $str .= "Your date does not look correct<br>"; } if (!url_good($url)) { $str .= "Your URL does not look correct<br>"; } return $str; } The code that you completed for this exercise is close to being a realistic application. It has the following properties which you should note:
I recommend that you use it as a basis for other applications that need online forms. The function show_form() could be modified to ask different types of questions, and process_input could be modified to email the data, write the data to a file, or insert the data into a MySQL database. We have already covered the first of these options and we will cover the last two in our next class.
jfulton [at]