Solution 6
Main | Review of Operators | Mathematical Functions | Practice 5 | Solution 5 | HTML Forms | PHP Forms | Practice 6 | Solution 6 | PHP and E-mail | Practice 7 | Solution 7
The solution to practice 6 is the following: <h2>Simple Form Example</h2> <? function show_form($first="",$last="") { ?> <form action="simpleForm.php" method="post"> First Name: <input type=text name=first value="<?echo $first?>"> <br> Last Name: <input type=text name=last value="<?echo $last?>"> <br> <input type=submit> </form> <? } if(!isset($first)) { show_form(); } else { if(empty($first) or empty($last)) { echo "You did not fill in all the fields, try again<p>"; show_form($first,$last); } else { echo "Thank you, $first $last"; } } ?>
jfulton [at]