Solution 7
Main | Review of Operators | Mathematical Functions | Practice 5 | Solution 5 | HTML Forms | PHP Forms | Practice 6 | Solution 6 | PHP and E-mail | Practice 7 | Solution 7 The solution to practice 7 is below. Use the numbered comments to focus on what you had to implement. <? function show_form($email="", $message="",$subject="") { ?> <h2>Send Me an E-mail</h2> <form action="mail.php" method="post"> Your E-mail address:<br> <input type=text name=email size=30 value="<?echo $email?>"><br> The Subject:<br> <input type=text name=subject size=30 value="<?echo $subject?>"><br> Your Message:<br> <textarea rows=10 cols=50 name=message><?echo $message?></textarea><br> <input type=submit value="Send E-mail"> </form> <? } if (!isset($email) or !isset($message)) { show_form(); } else { if (empty($email) or empty($message)) { echo "<H1>There is a Problem:</H1>"; if (empty($email)) { echo "I need your email address in order to write back. Please fill it in below. Thank you."; } if (empty($message)) { echo "You did not write anything. Please write something. Thank You."; } show_form($email,$message,$subject); } else { if (empty($subject)) { // #1 $subject="your email"; } // #2 $sent = mail( "jfulton [at]", $subject,$message, "From: $email" ); if ($sent) { // #3 echo "<H1>Your Message Has Been Sent.</H1>"; echo "Thank you, <b>$email</b>. <p>I'll will read your email regarding ' <b>$subject</b> and reply soon."; } else { echo "<H1>There is a Problem:</H1> <p>The server was unable to send your mail."; } } } ?> This completes the second of four modules for WBM-527.
jfulton [at]